Hey Day

Objective — Create a logo, t-shirt design, signage, digital screens, and promotional items for Auburn University’s 76th annual tradition, Hey Day. Hey Day began in 1947 when WWII veterans felt isolated upon their return to campus. In response, Auburn’s student body and SGA members created Hey Day to promote a friendly atmosphere. Hey Day, one of Auburn’s longest and most cherished traditions, lives on each fall with students handing out name tags and encouraging the rest of the Auburn community to greet each other.

Concept — This project was created through my job at Student Involvement (works with SGA to bring Hey Day to life each year). Beginning this project, I obtained permission to use one of Auburn’s vault logos, aka the leaping tiger. After finalizing the logo, I created numerous print and digital deliverables in addition to promo items. Creating a cohesive brand identity was successful through the brand pattern, color scheme, and typographic choices.

Typography — Tarif by Andrea Tartarelli, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, and Francesco Canovaro; Vista Slab by Xavier Dupré

— All photos are taken by Elaina Eichorn, photographer for Student Involvement


Soccer for the Village