But You Don’t
Look Sick

Objective — Design and produce an informational booklet (gather and organize content; create typographic treatment, layout, folios, and more; decide on appropriate binding; and feature Artivive AR animation).

Concept — But You Don’t Look Sick is a booklet commissioned by the Empowering People with Invisible Chronic Illness (EPIC) Foundation and includes the necessary information needed to understand and support someone suffering from an invisible illness. The booklet is divided into eight sections; each section is defined by a full gradient spread with section title and blurb printed on acetate paper. The eight sections include diagnosis (personal excerpt about being diagnosed); understanding (basics of invisible illness including examples); spoon theory (metaphor describing the amount of physical and/or mental energy required for tasks); what to expect (seven psychological stages of chronic pain and illness); misunderstanding (misconceptions placed on those with invisible illnesses); support (how to support someone with invisible illnesses); sharing (why you should share your invisible illness story), and journal (space to write your story). Processbook included at the end.

Typography — Degular by James Edmondson; Univers LT Std by Adrian Frutiger

Animation — When using the app Artivive, the section divider pages for sections 01, 03, and 06 animate on the user’s phone. The animations for them are above.


Soccer for the Village

